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Explore 肯考迪娅

Undergraduate 入学s

肯考迪娅 University Irvine

At 肯考迪娅 University Irvine, you’re free to explore your future, 你的信仰, and all of your life’s callings.

Explore Over 60 项目

找一个与你和你的兴趣相关的专业、辅修或项目. 在校园或网上学习,并在由基督教教师授课的小型合作课程中学习.

Examine Life's Toughest 问题

我们的 Enduring 问题 & 的想法 课程将挑战你去探索生活中最棘手的问题,并为你现在和未来所需的终身技能做好准备.

Grow in Your Faith

在康考迪亚,你可以选择参加教堂,圣经研究,宣教旅行等. 在这里,你可以探索基督教信仰,发展你自己与上帝的关系.

Join a Caring Community

Whether you take classes on campus or earn your degree online, you’ll be part of a close, connected community that’s committed to your growth.


艾玛·米. ’23

Majors, Minors, and 项目

肯考迪娅 prepares you for a life of learning, 服务, 通过严格的教育培养领导力,这种教育旨在挑战你,帮助你成长. 你所上的课和你的经历将为你将来的职业生涯做准备. Discover your callings at 肯考迪娅.


Majors, Minors, and 项目


Undergraduates Enrolled


Student-to-Faculty Ratio

What are you interested in?

See all Majors

学费 and Financial 援助

肯考迪娅 is committed to making higher 教育 affordable. We offer merit- and need-based scholarships, as well as music and athletic scholarships, and we award more than $58 million in federal, 状态, and institutional assistance each year. 事实上,我们所有的学生都获得某种形式的经济援助. 更重要的是,四年后从协和大学毕业是可能的,也是完全正常的. 当你开始人生的下一个篇章时,这将转化为可观的储蓄和更强大的财务健康.


in financial aid awarded annually


of students receive financial aid

Learn More About Financial 援助

Application and Deadlines

对于传统的本科学生,康考迪亚大学提供秋季和春季的开学日期. Find your application due date below!

入学s Standards
  Avg for incoming students
平均绩点 3.42
SAT (Critical Reading + Math) Not Required
ACT Composite Not Required
Application Deadlines
Application Status 申请
Regular Decision  1月5日
Early Action November 15
Early Action II February 15
Rolling 入学s 8月15日

Apply for Free Now

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Want to know more about 肯考迪娅 University Irvine? 让我们的招生顾问与你联系,回答你可能有的任何问题.

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